Thursday, November 4, 2010

Garnett to Villanueva: Make A Wish!!

After last nights Celtics/Pistons game underachieving Alopecia Universalis sufferer and Detroit Piston's Power Forward Charlie Villanueva tweeted that Kevin Garnett called him a "Cancer Patient" while trash talking during the Celtics blow out win. Alopecia Universalis, a disease resulting in hair loss has kept Villaneuva hairless for the entirety for his adult life.

Now since his trade to the Celtics Garnett has been singled out as one of the NBA's premiere trash talkers. In a response Garnett claims that he called Villaneuva "Cancerous to your team and our league"... Sure Kevin, and everybody throughout middle school was just calling me a "flag" over and over because of my patriotic Baja-poncho-hoodie-pullover and accompanying Disney fanny pack.

But as always who is right and who is wrong comes down to the timeless biblical passage from Cam'Ron 3:14

"Cuz when Feds come, N***** mouths run
But the outcome, gon' be 'bout guns
Cuz I don't bitch, and I don't snitch
I work hands on, f*** wit Cam'Ron"

So Charlie don't Twit-Snitch!! It's classless!!


"KG called me a cancer patient, I'm pissed because, u know how many people died from cancer, and he's tossing it like it's a joke,"

No Dr. Villanueva, I don't know. HOW MANY people die from cancer? And don't just say "A LOT"

"I wouldn't even trip about that, but a cancer patient, I know way 2 many people who passed away from it, and I have a special place 4 those"

Ok I'm with you here Charlie. Cancer sucks. Good to see you're taking the high road...

"KG talks alot of crap, he's prob never been in a fight, I would love to get in a ring with him, I will expose him"

Annnnnnd you lost me. Really Charlie?! Challenging KG to a fight via twitter is pretty much the same as asking your best friend to tell the girl who sits in front of you during math class that you're into her... via myspace. I'm disappointed in you.

As it goes in America win and all is forgotten So don't expect much of a KG backlash on this one... However Charlie V, if you can continue to keep up the strong bench play you've shown so far with Detroit you may just earn enough respect to win back your starting PF slot... or at the very least finally get to meet Joe Naimith...

SPOILER ALERT: Bobby isn't actually sick... Cindy just wrote a make-a-wish letter to Broadway Joe pleading for him to pay a visit to her dying broseph

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